What Is The Balance Of Power, And Why Is It Important?

What Is The Balance Of Power

As we have watched American politics evolve, we have seen leadership from all different types of backgrounds, belonging to different political parties, and typically have conflicting views on important policies. Because of this, the American government implements something called balance of power. To gain a better understanding of how bills are signed into law, it is important to first understand what the balance of power is, and what its purpose is.

What Is The Balance Of Power?

When the United States Constitution was created, it determined that the three branches of the government, including the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the Judiciary branch, are not able to gain a disproportionate level of power. Additionally, each branch is given different areas of power that they control that the other branches do not have control over, unless both of the other branches vote against of a decision.

To give a better idea of how the balance of power works, let’s investigate what each branch is responsible for. The Legislative branch is made up of the Congress, which is the branch that writes and enacts laws, sets budgets and taxes, and has the power to authorize borrowing.

The executive branch is where the President’s position comes in. Once a bill passes through the Legislative branch, it is taken to the President, who can decide whether the bill should be implemented.

Finally, the Judiciary branch helps to interpret laws after a bill is signed by the President. The Judiciary branch contains the Supreme Court, which determines if a bill violates anything within the United States Constitution.

Why Is This So Important In American Politics?

Based on the differences in views on important policies, having a strong balance of power can help reduce potential problems with laws moving forward. Let’s look at the recent example when President Donald Trump moved to get different forms of his bill, which would not allow anyone from certain countries into the United States into law. When it got passed onto the Supreme Court to determine if it follows the Constitution, they found that it was violating terms of the Constitution, which effectively led them to turn it down.

While this is only one example of the balance of power in the United States Government, it accurately portrays how it works, and why it is so significant.


Published byvanetik
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