Few key characteristics make a leader great. Much of leadership is not only about how one sees themselves but how their team perceives them as well. Leadership is about translating challenges into solutions in a way that everyone can comprehend. Leaders work with their employees and team. Their team doesn’t work for them, and there isn’t necessarily any hierarchy. The only pride exhibited is team pride, where everyone is confident in the ability of their fellow peers and colleagues. The most important thing to remember is that leaders set an example through their own actions. Here are just a few tips to be an example as a leader:
Leader is always Consistent
Leaders can set an example by maintaining consistency. This applies to the promises that they make as well as consistently being an available resource for guidance. When the team sees their leader is consistent, they will follow suit. Inconsistency leaves room for excuses for why a person was unable to do something. Excuses have a negative contribution to any business or project because a job never gets done or isn’t completed with high-level performance. So, leaders should always make time to be consistent with their actions and with their words.
Hold Yourself Accountable
Always take responsibility. Leaders are not an exception to scrutiny. Oftentimes, some leaders allow their pride to keep them from admitting a mistake. This can add further confusion to the workplace as it takes even more work to get down to the real problem. A resolution can not be found in the team doesn’t know what exactly their challenge is or what needs correction. This is where transparency and respect for other peoples’ time come into play. A leader should always hold themselves accountable for misspeaking, mistakes, or any inappropriate behavior. Employees will know that there is zero toleration for such things.
Leader create Open Dialogue for Mental & Emotional Health
Although the workplace is considered a professional setting, this doesn’t dismiss the fact that everyone is still a person capable of emotion. Many people have things going on in their personal lives that may impact their work performance. Leaders can lead by example by minimizing the stigma behind speaking about mental health within the workplace. Emotional check-ups and mental check-ins prove to be very beneficial for the team and the business.