Making sure that every child gets a quality education begins with making sure that teachers and students have the supplies they need. In many communities, that is becoming more and more difficult to achieve. Schools are often under-resourced, and families are struggling to make sure students show up to school with every item on their supply list. There is a way for you to help. You canorganize a school supply drive and help classrooms and students get the items they need to make this year a great year.
Begin by talking to your local schools and local charity organizations. There’s no need to create your drive if a local church or charity is already organizing. You can add your effort to theirs. Get copies of supply lists for students and wish lists from teachers. Often, teachers need items like copy paper, hand sanitizer, or staplers for the classroom. You can sort your donation items into two categories; general school supplies, and classroom supplies. Once you know what items you need, you can begin organizing.
Rope your friends and family into helping you execute your plan. Determine drop-off points and times as well as who will be there to man the desk as people donate supplies. If you are going to sort your items or assemble “back to school kits,” be sure to schedule your drop-off day at least one week before your items are due for distribution.
Now you need to advertise. Many local radio stations and newspapers will let you advertise for free. But, don’t forget to use the power of social media to get the word out. Be creative. Contact local book clubs, churches, bowling leagues, and other community groups and let them know you’re having a school supply drive and ask them to pass the info to their members. Design a nice flyer with all of the necessary information and make good use of community bulletin boards. Get the word out.
Finally, once you have collected your items and sorted them, drop them off at the school or charity of your choice. You should be ready to celebrate your achievement. Whether your list had eighty items or was pretty basic, your hard work will make getting back to school a little bit easier.
About The Author
Yuri Vanetik is an Entrepreneur, Private Investor, Coalition Builder, and Philanthropist in Orange County, California. He is the Managing Partner of Vanetik International, LLC, a management consulting firm which offers advisory services and strategic planning to businesses and industries. He is also the Managing Partner of Dominion Asset Management, a technology-driven opportunity real estate fund that invests in undervalued real estate throughout the United States. Yuri Vanetik brings over 20 years of professional experience in a variety of roles, and has been featured in notable publications, including the Wall Street Journal, California Business Journal, Bloomberg Law, and Forbes.