Choosing The Right Education
There’s been a longstanding debate over which avenue is better, in-person education or online education. It’s a choice that only can be made by each person. That’s because what works best for one person isn’t what works best for everyone. That’s why when someone is deciding the next step in their education, they need to evaluate their life and learning styles. Here are the following advantages and disadvantages of online education.
Making the Schedule
Many people choose online education because they can make their schedule. They can decide which days and times to listen to lectures, work on homework, and complete projects. They don’t have to physically be present in a classroom which allows them more time to dedicate to their other commitments.
Work at an Individual Pace
Some people struggle in a school setting because it moves either too quickly or too slowly. With online education, a person can set their schedule and work at their own pace to complete assignments. If they don’t feel challenged enough, they have the opportunity to work ahead. If they find themselves struggling to understand a chapter, they can read through it as many times as they’d like.
Less Support From Teacher & Peers
One main downside to choosing an online education over a traditional setting is that it may seem like there’s less support. In traditional schools, the teacher or professor will be available after class and have office hours to answer questions. When doing schooling online, a person is at the mercy of email or sometimes phone calls. It can be harder to get a hold of a professor this way.
Dealing With Distractions
Online schooling is difficult for those who get distracted easily. That’s because there is no one forcing them to do their lessons or pay attention. They have to discipline themselves and make sure they stay on track. If they don’t, they can fall behind.
Overall Advantages & Disadvantages
In general, a person has to choose what suits their lifestyle and their learning style. Online education has many benefits. It’s affordable, and a person can work remote. The disadvantages come into play when a person falls behind in their studies and doesn’t have that in-person support.
About The Author
Yuri Vanetik is an Entrepreneur, Private Investor, Coalition Builder, and Philanthropist in Orange County, California. He is the Managing Partner of Vanetik International, LLC, a management consulting firm which offers advisory services and strategic planning to businesses and industries. He is also the Managing Partner of Dominion Asset Management, a technology-driven opportunity real estate fund that invests in undervalued real estate throughout the United States. Yuri Vanetik brings over 20 years of professional experience in a variety of roles, and has been featured in notable publications, including the Wall Street Journal, California Business Journal, Bloomberg Law, and Forbes.